Our final lunch of the year will be on Wednesday, 12th November. Our speaker this time will be Major Tom Wye and he will be speaking about the War Graves in Broadwater Cemetery. He is a particularly apt person to speak so near to Remembrance Day and in view of all the War anniversaries we are commemorating this year.
I do hope you will be able to come to the lunch, which will be at the Windsor Hotel, Windsor Road, East Worthing as usual at 12 for 12.30 p.m. Please book by 4th November. We cannot guarantee sitting you near your friends if you book late. Tickets are not posted out to save on costs. Cancellations less than 48 hours before a lunch are still charged by the hotel. If you need to cancel on Monday, 10th November please ring me at home on 01903 209564 and if you cannot reach me please ring the hotel direct on 01903 239655.
Grateful thanks to those who so generously contribute raffle prizes. We shall be having our raffle and drawing £13 x £10 and 1 x £25 in our quarterly draw.
Mary Lermitte