"Spectacular images of the plans to transform Brooklands Park into a magical destination have been released as more than £3m is earmarked to fund the next stage of development.
A map of the new landmark shows a park that will be fit for playing, resting and learning with a number of new glades, new picnic areas, an adventure playground and a state-of-the-art cafe just some of the new attractions planned.
A contemplation garden either side of the Teville Stream is also to be created with new planting adding to a sensory nature of the entire park.
Executive members of Worthing Borough Council are being recommended to approve £2.35m extra funding to bring the the vision to reality with borrowing making up most of the sum.
Now included in the plans are:
- A new visitor hub including cafe with internal and external seating powered from sustainable resources
- An adventure play area to house 30 pieces of equipment, two of which are climbing frames more than 4 metres high
- An outdoor space for multi use events such as frisbee, football or other activities surrounded by seating
- A contemplative garden bordering the Teville Stream with new sensory planting
- A new accessible pathway circumnavigating the lake with seating areas and shelters
- A 2.5k fitness trail around the park
- A number of glades on the old golf course, including Community Garden, Play and Build, Nature, Wind and Winter, discrete areas sheltered by planting allowing for different community activities including food growing, seed sowing, play dens, bug hotels and bird boxes
- Windmill oxygenators for the lake as well as windmills and chimes in the Wind Glade
- A mount celebrating the highest point in the park, from which views of the sea gives a strong sense of place"
You can read more here