Although not quite finished the public are invited to come along and see for themselves what the new £1.4m clubhouse and eight football pitches looks like!
Tours to see 'what’s on offer' at the new facility will be running from 9am to 12 noon and with festive refreshments laid on courtesy of the developers Morgan Sindall who are building it on behalf of Worthing council.
Ian Stewart from Worthing Town FC says:
“We are really looking forward to welcoming you all to Palatine Park and giving you all a sneak preview of the new football centre. So whether you are already connected to the club, a local resident, a local community group that may be looking for a facility to hire or whether you are just curious about what the plans are for the park, please drop in on the 17th December and take a tour.”
The new facility, to be managed for the council by Worthing Town FC, is planned to open in the spring with the football pitches later-on in time for the start of the 2012/13 football season. It will offer brand new changing facilities for visiting and resident football teams with ‘team’ changing facilities, a large space for club events and for hiring out to the local community and businesses, catering facilities and lots more plusses!
On the football side the new clubhouse together with the eight new football pitches with their specially laid turf to club standards will become a centre of football excellence for some 500 youngsters.
The project was funded by Worthing Council; Worthing Town FC, Football Foundation and Viridor Credits.
The new facility replaces the original 1960 design laid out as four football pitches, a pavilion, play and car parking areas.