Local traders and councillors have warmly welcomed a decision by Worthing Borough Council Development Management officers to refuse a planning application by Hutchinson UK Ltd to install a 5G telecommunications mast on the grass area at the front of Cricketers Parade at Broadwater.
The traders, local councillors and residents had all argued that the location was totally out of keeping with this well used local shopping parade and failed to take into account the adjoining heritage areas of Broadwater.
The refusal notice explained: 'The proposed mast, by virtue of its siting adjacent to the Broadwater Green Conservation Area and proximity to the Broadwater Conservation Area and height substantially exceeding that of surrounding streetworks and buildings within a well used shopping parade would adversely the visual character of the area and the setting of the adjacent and nearby Conservation Areas.
Councillor Val Turner said; 'I strongly support this refusal. Hutchinson have not demonstrated that the proposed siting of the mast is the most suitable to provide any required telecommunications coverage in the area, and the proximity of nearby Conservation Areas has not been adequately considered in the application submission nor the suitability of any alternative sites in the vicinity.'
Councillor Bryan Turner and local campaigner Paisley Thomson are now exploring what can be done to protect this area. Cllr Bryan Turner said; 'It is clear that we need to explore how we can best designate this land to stop unacceptable developments such as this proposal. I will be speaking to officers to see what can be done to help deter further applications and secure this land for future generations.'