Plans to renew Shoreham Footbridge have been slightly delayed to accommodate changes at the southern end. A decision on the application should have been taken at the end of November. However, there has been a change to the plans on the south side of the river at Lower Beach Road. The initial idea was to raise the road but, due to public realm concerns, a ramp and step solution has been proposed instead.
Conservation Area Consent has now been granted for demolition of the existing footbridge and detailed design is now moving into its final stages. Planning applications are being considered by West Sussex County Council and the Marine Management Organisation respectively with the application now due to go before a planning committee on the 17th January.
There have been some logistical concerns raised by councillors and residents over access to and from the town centre once building work commences, as the existing bridge will not be useable. In order to minimise the period of time the crossing is closed, it is intended that the northern most span of the existing bridge will be removed early in the construction programme and a temporary link span onto Coronation Green will be installed from the footbridge.
The latest estimates provided suggest that the crossing will be closed for 14 days which is down from previous estimates of 4 weeks.
However, a free shuttle bus type service will be provided to footbridge users to and from Shoreham Beach. The details of this service, including pick up and drop off points, operating hours and frequency of operation are currently being discussed with local providers and WSCC and will be announced in the New Year.