After having attended the Adur DC Planning Committee, and heard the debate, Tim spoke to www.eastworthingandshoreham.org.uk. He said "‘This is a good decision for Lancing, for Adur, for the Seagulls and for football in Sussex. I am confident that this exciting £25m development will kick start the long overdue regeneration of Lancing and help put the village back on the map in just the same way that the Ropetackle project in Shoreham marked the turnaround in the fortunes of that part of Adur, making this investment a major vote of confidence in Lancing. Understandably, there are still some residents who do not share the Council’s enthusiasm for the training academy and it is important that outstanding issues around highways access, environmental impact and community use are dealt with rigorously and resolved satisfactorily. However, it was encouraging to see that the objectors acknowledged the considerable work that the Council and football club have done to respond to residents’ concerns and adapt the plans. I am grateful to the Albion’s project boss Martyn Perry for his willingness to come to the meetings in Lancing that we organised and engage with local people. Brighton & Hove have always stressed their wish to be good neighbours embedded in the local community and I will certainly be holding them to their pledges to give priority employment to local people and local businesses.’